Thursday, July 2, 2020

Hello and Welcome

Hello and Welcome Home to all.

I have never really been the best at introducing myself but my name is Lisa and I have been doing card readings for at least 10 years. Technically I have been doing card readings since I was a young girl, using native american animal medicine cards, but I really started out doing divination reading through playing cards in 2010. Then in 2014 I learned tarot. A year or two later I took up my first Oracle deck. I primarily used tarot until I found Lucy Cavendish's Wild Faerie Oracle; it was then that I found my niche. That oracle deck told me, not too long after I had it, that I needed to find a sacred and spiritual place for myself. However at the time I was unable to and so I looked around and found one... in the form of another card deck. The Faerie Forest Oracle by Lucy Cavendish is a beautiful deck that served as my spiritual place and has been my primary deck for almost 3 years now. Along the Way I also picked up the Faerie Blessings deck, The Dragonfae deck, and The Mermaid Oracle deck all by Lucy Cavendish. 

So Why the fae? Aren't they mischievous, untrustworthy, and sometimes mean spirited pranksters that everyone is warned to stay away from? Absolutely not. The fae is an umbrella term for a large group of nature based spirits and beings that are found in cultures all over the world - the most famous being in celtic mythology and history. Many are very fond of humans, I firmly believe that there are some in their truest nature that walk among us; there are some that have given up on humans and would have no reservations about causing harm, and then most simply exist in nature and avoid humans altogether. They are not beings you should fear, but should be treated with a healthy respect. They are walking contradictions, for they should be taken very seriously and yet not seriously at the same time. If you find yourself working with fae, faeries, friendly neighbors, fair folk, bright ones, or any other variation of faerie beings it is because they chose you. Not the other way around. 

I, myself, have a "host of friends" who are all faerie beings that have chosen to work with me and walk with me in this life. Why have they done so? Because the fae look after their own. I have known for a long time, ever since a child, that I have a faerie soul. Life has constantly served me reminders when I begin to forget who and what I am, other magic practitioners constantly confirm it, and it is the basis for my own practice. The fae do not focus their existence around humans, however, many are willing to help them and those that are on the fence are willing to help their own, like me, who are in human form. If I want to help, then they will help me in that endeavor. At their core, the fae are creative loving chaos. 

I offer a variety of different readings involving all of my decks, this includes: Fenestra Tarot, Shadowscape Tarot, The Wild Wisdom Faery Oracle, Faery Blessings Oracle, Faery Forest Oracle, Oracle of the Dragonfae, Mermaid Oracle, and Native American Animal Medicine Cards. I also read crone stones, which act almost like a combination of oracle cards and runes - this is how I communicate with the goddess Maeve. I have specific spreads to contact the Goddess Brigid as well. I also, being a bard, can provide bardic craft spells with instructions, and custom guided meditations/spirit journeys.  

If you are interested, email me at: 

Provide me with your question, best way to contact you (email or text) and which kind of spread you are considering. Each deck I work with is best suited to different questions, so together we will come up with the right spread and the right deck to help you. Just as all questions are unique, If I need to make a custom spread or change anything up I will, and we can work out a reasonable price. I am a very flexible person and although I do charge, I am not doing this for the money. I have a passion for helping people. 

*I also offer specific readings and resources for those, like me, with inhuman souls. However I will not list them all here. If you are an inhuman soul and need guidance, please reach out to me. I know your struggle and  

General Prices: all in USD

Custom Spell - $15 
Custom Guided Meditation (written only) - $35
Custom Guided Meditation (written, lead, and interpreted) - $50
Dream Interpretations - $5 

Communicate with Maeve through Crone stones - $20
Communicate with the Goddess Brigid: 
- basic 5 card spread - $30
-upgraded 10 card spread - $50
- in depth 15 card spread - $75

Celtic Cross - $70

3 Card spread - $20
3 Card spread + clarification cards (through tarot or oracle) - $30+
Random Spread (i ask the deck and they simply respond - $40
5-7 specific spreads - $45

The Most in depth reading I can give is a 21 Wisdom of the Faery spread which can take anywhere from an 1.5 - 3 hours to do. - $150

3 Card spread - $15
3 card spread + Clarification - $20
Celtic Cross - $65
Custom spreads/specific spreads - $50

Any questions about spreads, pricing, or anything at all, shoot me an email!

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