Thursday, July 9, 2020

Prices Reiterated

If you are interested, email me at: 

Provide me with your question, best way to contact you (email or text) and which kind of spread you are considering. Each deck I work with is best suited to different questions, so together we will come up with the right spread and the right deck to help you. Just as all questions are unique, If I need to make a custom spread or change anything up I will, and we can work out a reasonable price. I am a very flexible person and although I do charge, I am not overly concerned about the money. I have a passion for helping people and that is why I do this, however doing these services takes time and considerable energy, thus like any service, I charge.

*I also offer specific readings and resources for those, like me, with inhuman souls. However I will not list them all here. If you are an inhuman soul and need guidance, please reach out to me. 

General Prices: all in USD

Custom Spell - $15 
Custom Guided Meditation (written only) - $35
Custom Guided Meditation (written, lead, and interpreted) - $50
Dream Interpretation - $5

Communicate with Maeve through Crone stones - $20
Communicate with the Goddess Brigid: 
- basic 5 card spread - $30
-upgraded 10 card spread - $50
- in depth 15 card spread - $75

Celtic Cross - $75

3 Card spread - $20
3 Card spread + clarification cards (through tarot or oracle) - $30+
Random Spread (i ask the deck and they simply respond - $35
5-7 specific spreads - $45

The Most in depth reading I can give is a 21 Wisdom of the Faery spread which can take anywhere from an 1.5 - 3 hours to do. - $150

3 Card spread - $15
3 card spread + Clarification - $20
Random spread / ask and see - $25
Celtic Cross - $70
Custom spreads - $45
specific spreads (already made) - $35

Any questions about spreads, pricing, or anything at all, shoot me an email!

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